Higher Education
Higher education refers to formal learning delivered by universities, colleges, and otherinstitutions of postsecondary education. Higher education in Illinois is offered through the community colleges and the 4-year university system.
While 70% of White students at Illinois public universities graduate within six years, only 38% of Black students and 53% of Latinx students graduate in six years.*
*As of 2019
Attaining a higher education degree impacts future earnings, employment, a family’s ability to achieve generational wealth, and other lifelong outcomes. Eight of 10 employers already say they need employees with postsecondary education, and the proportion of such jobs is only going to increase. Since the 2008 recession, over 95% of new jobs have required a bachelor, associate, or other degree beyond high school.
While Illinois’ higher education attainment rate has been increasing steadily, we have a long way to go. Access and completion of higher education degrees is extremely disparate by race/ethnicity and income level. As of 2019, while 70% of White students at Illinois public universities graduate within six years, only 38% of Black students and 53% of Latinx students graduate in six years. These outcomes reflect decades of state disinvestment in higher education institutions as well as financial aid programs for students from low-income households. To guarantee that all students – regardless of race/ethnicity, income, or geography – have equal opportunity in their careers and in life, we must provide them with equitable access and adequate support to ensure graduation.
We believe every student should be able to access and afford college, receive adequate support to thrive once enrolled, successfully graduate, and ultimately, achieve high-quality postsecondary outcomes.
To achieve this vision, Illinois must pursue policies that actively seek to create equitable opportunities for enrollment, retention, completion, and careers.
To work toward this goal, we are:

Playing an active role in the Illinois Higher Education Network, a collaborative effort of higher education stakeholders working together to create a more equitable higher education system in Illinois
Serving as a Network Organizer for the Illinois Education and Career Success Network, which supports local communities across Illinois to increase meaningful and equitable postsecondary attainment
Advocating for financial aid investments like the Monetary Award Program, Illinois’ primary source of need-based aid for college students from low-income households
As a core member of the Coalition for Transforming Higher Education Funding, supporting the development of an adequate and equitable state funding formula for public higher education
Spotlighting equity gaps in higher education access and completion and the need to address these problems through our research and reports, such as our the bi-annual report, The State We’re In.