
 Please find our latest statements below.

Statements Advance Illinois Statements Advance Illinois

New Data Show Statewide Snapshot of Kindergarten Readiness Encouraging Progress on Kindergarten Readiness: Still A Long Way To Go

CHICAGO, IL - Data from the statewide Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS), released today by the Illinois State Board of Education, provides a snapshot of the skills of beginning kindergarteners in Illinois in the fall of 2019 and reflects the second consecutive year of increases in kindergarten readiness scores.


José L. García

CHICAGO, IL - Data from the statewide Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS), released today by the Illinois State Board of Education, provides a snapshot of the skills of beginning kindergarteners in Illinois in the fall of 2019 and reflects the second consecutive year of increases in kindergarten readiness scores. Given KIDS is a relatively new tool, teachers are gaining expertise in observational data collection each year of implementation – making data and trends more conclusive every year.

Over 6,300 teachers observed nearly 120,000 kindergarteners (91 percent of all IL kindergarteners) with the KIDS tool in the fall of 2019. From fall 2018, the number of students scored as demonstrating readiness to learn at a kindergarten level increased from 26 percent to 29 percent, and fewer students were scored as having not reached readiness in any area - down from 39 percent to 37 percent. However, the third year of statewide KIDS data continues to reveal systemic inequities. For example, 23 percent of Black and 17 percent of Latino children demonstrated readiness, compared to 35 percent of their white peers. Significantly fewer children with IEPs (14 percent), English Learners (14 percent), and children qualifying for free/reduced price lunch (20 percent) were scored as “kindergarten ready,” indicating that Illinois has important work to do to close gaps in opportunity and outcomes.

Although it is encouraging to see overall kindergarten readiness numbers grow, it will take more data to draw definitive conclusions about readiness trends in Illinois.

KIDS provides a consistent indicator of readiness across the state, which is a critical starting point in efforts to support and promote more equitable outcomes for children, particularly among communities with the fewest resources. The most recent KIDS data underscores the need for deeper investment in high-quality early childhood services for children before they enter kindergarten, with a specific focus on equity – particularly improving access and quality for children from Black and Latino communities, children from low-income households, English Learners, and students with special needs.

KIDS data also highlights the critical need for the Governor’s Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care FundingCommission. Appointed in December, the Commission is tasked with taking a fresh look at the state's early childhood education and care system and establishing funding goals and mechanisms to provide equitable access to high-quality early childhood education and care services for children from birth to age five. The Commission’s recommendations to the Governor in January will represent a critical milestone towards ensuring all children are ready for kindergarten. 

Having standardized kindergarten readiness data has already catalyzed significant systems change across the state. Examples abound of how use of KIDS  has prompted shifts from half-day to full-day kindergarten, driven a move toward more developmentally-appropriate play-based instruction, informed adjustments to curriculum, galvanized community-wide attention to critical impact of experiences of children prior to kindergarten, and fostered stronger relationships between preschools and public schools.  

Looking forward, now more than ever, educators will need to understand what their students know and are able to do, as children enter school with disrupted preschool experiences due toCOVID-19.

We applaud the continued collaboration between educators, ISBE, public policy makers, advocates and researchers as they work through the challenges presented by COVID.  In the meantime, we are glad to have information that can be used to strengthen and connect the systems, investment and learning that happens in early childhood programs through transitions into kindergarten and the early elementary grades.

The 2019-2020 Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Report: A Look at Kindergarten Readiness provides additional information about the KIDS fall 2019 data. Visit to learn more about KIDS.

This statement was released in collaboration with other partner organizations. For a full list, click here.


About Advance Illinois
Advance Illinois is an independent policy and advocacy organization working toward a healthy public education system that enables all students to achieve success in college, career and civic life. Since its founding in 2008, Advance Illinois has become a nationally recognized thought leader in education policy advocacy. To learn more visit

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Advance Illinois Statement on Education Trust’s “Segregation Forever” Report

CHICAGO, IL (July 23, 2020) At Advance Illinois, we know that the future viability of our state relies on an education system that works to overcome historic inequities by providing exceptional opportunities for all students.

CHICAGO, IL (July 23, 2020)

At Advance Illinois, we know that the future viability of our state relies on an education system that works to overcome historic inequities by providing exceptional opportunities for all students. However, a recent report published by the Education Trust reveals a persistent and severe underrepresentation of Black and Latino students in higher education. The report, “Segregation Forever,” shows that the representation of Black and Latino students in the country’s top public colleges and universities has decreased or remained disproportionately low in the past 20 years.  

We are deeply concerned to learn that, according to the report, the enrollment of Black students at some of Illinois’ top public universities has decreased over the last 20 years. According to the report’s methodology for evaluating student representation, both the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) earned grades of ‘F’ for Black enrollment. And while UIC should be commended for maintaining its ‘A’ rating for Latino enrollment, UIUC earned an ‘F’ rating for Latino enrollment.  

While we have stellar public institutions in Illinois, these scores are a clear reminder that they, as well as public education advocates and policymakers, have much more work to do to ensure that these campuses reflect the diverse population of the state. Using this study and other tools as guideposts, Advance Illinois will continue to work with our partners in education and civil rights to advocate for greater access, enrollment, retention and completion of Black and Latino students in state-funded colleges and universities. Together, we must do all that we can to increase the presence of diverse students on our college campuses.


About Advance Illinois
Advance Illinois is an independent policy and advocacy organization working toward a health public education system that enables all students to achieve success in college, career and civic life. Since its founding in 2008, Advance Illinois has become a nationally recognized thought leader in education policy advocacy. To learn more visit

Roderick K. Hawkins, Communications Director

José L. García, Communications Associate

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Advance Illinois Honors the Life and Legacy of Maria Whelan

CHICAGO, IL (June 11, 2020) We are heartbroken to learn of the sudden passing of Maria Whelan, President and CEO of Illinois Action for Children. Maria made it her life’s mission to advocate for children and families across Illinois, and what a champion she was!

CHICAGO, IL (June 11, 2020) We are heartbroken to learn of the sudden passing of Maria Whelan, President and CEO of Illinois Action for Children. Maria made it her life’s mission to advocate for children and families across Illinois, and what a champion she was! She was a titan who believed deeply in the power of early childhood education and care and in the value of involving communities and families in the work. 

Maria was a giant in the field of early childhood, but also a fierce, funny and warm friend and colleague.  Her legacy will live on through her family, her colleagues and the hundreds of thousands of lives she has changed for good, and she will be deeply missed by all fortunate enough to know her.  One of the best tributes we can all offer is to carry her work forward with the same level of integrity, fearlessness and no-nonsense she brought to every situation and challenge.

All of us at Advance Illinois extend our hearts and condolences to Maria’s family, the Illinois Action for Children family and all who called her a friend and colleague.  It is hard to imagine this work or this world without her energy in it.

Robin Steans
Advance Illinois


About Advance Illinois
Advance Illinois is an independent policy and advocacy organization working toward a health public education system that enables all students to achieve success in college, career and civic life. Since its founding in 2008, Advance Illinois has become a nationally recognized thought leader in education policy advocacy. To learn more visit

Roderick K. Hawkins, Communications Director

José García, Communications Associate

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Advance Illinois Statement on the FY21 State Budget

CHICAGO, IL (June 4, 2020) In masks and social distancing, and in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic, members of the Illinois General Assembly had difficult decisions to make in last month’s special session as they did their part to put our state on the path to recovery.

CHICAGO, IL (June 4, 2020) In masks and social distancing, and in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic, members of the Illinois General Assembly had difficult decisions to make in last month’s special session as they did their part to put our state on the path to recovery.

We entered this year with a call for much-needed increased investments in education—from early childhood to higher education. With the impact of COVID-19 on our students and families, that need has intensified, even as the state’s budget circumstances have worsened. Accordingly, we braced ourselves for the worst.

We are relieved that, in many areas, the General Assemblykept the FY 21 education budget at or near the same level as last year, and we recognize and appreciate that this decision reflects Springfield’sunderstanding that education must be a priority always, especially during this unprecedented crisis. With that said, we acknowledge that the state’s finances are unstable. The approved budget relies on roughly $5 billion in borrowing, gives the governor the ability to transfer up to 8 percent of almost any budget line into another budget line and pins hopes on additional and significant federal relief funds. 

Hopefully, educators, families and students will take some comfort in knowing that the Evidence-Based Funding formula, and programs that help address the teacher shortage will receive funds on par with last year’s investment (click here for a detailed summary of the budget). And, we congratulate the General Assembly for passing legislation that acknowledges the progress of districts that have been taken over by the state and have made hard-won gains by affording them greater financial predictability, bringing intervention funding into the broader funding formula.

The state’s recovery will depend upon continued investments in early childhood and higher education—areas that have been woefully underfunded for years. While the FY 21 investments mostly stay flat, we applaud the small increases to Early Intervention (EI) and the expansion of federal resources, specifically for early childhood with the new Business Interruption Grants (BIG). We also recognize the importance of maintaining investment in MAP and institutions, especially for our undocumented and other students who are not currently eligible for federal support. We know that more work must be done to ensure that high-quality early childhood programs are available to all children and that college-bound students have access to affordable higher education options. We hope and trust these investments will continue to be a priority for the General Assembly and the governor as our budget situation improves.

We remain grateful to the General Assembly for prioritizing children, even under the cloud of COVID-19 and knowing that we face a steep set of challenges if further revenue does not materialize. But, whether or not our budget improves, we have serious work to do. Research makes it clear that our students and teachers will need more supports, more training and more time to plan and learn if we are to ensure that the impact of this pandemic does not follow children into the future. Recovery will be difficult and take focus and time, but the people of Illinois are resilient. We stand ready to do our part.


About Advance Illinois
Advance Illinois is an independent policy and advocacy organization working toward a health public education system that enables all students to achieve success in college, career and civic life. Since its founding in 2008, Advance Illinois has become a nationally recognized thought leader in education policy advocacy. To learn more visit

Roderick K. Hawkins, Communications Director

José García, Communications Associate

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Advance Illinois Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community

“The brutal deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many other Black people at the hands of law enforcement and vigilantes poured salt into a deep wound of racial injustice that has been centuries in the making. After many attempts throughout history by leaders and organizers to heal the wound, the pain and exhaustion have festered into public outrage across the nation.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The brutal deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many other Black people at the hands of law enforcement and vigilantes poured salt into a deep wound of racial injustice that has been centuries in the making. After many attempts throughout history by leaders and organizers to heal the wound, the pain and exhaustion have festered into public outrage across the nation.”

“Advance Illinois stands in solidarity with those who have raised their voices and peacefully taken to the streets to demand meaningful change. We also commit ourselves to working harder and in better partnership with civil rights, racial justice and community-based organizations to reimagine a public education system that is no longer business as usual. We must acknowledge the racism, missed opportunities and inequities of the past and focus on a future that is rooted in educational equity and opportunity.” 

“We all have our work cut out for us, and we must be up for the challenge – a challenge that includes making sure that this agonizing and further illumination of the deep, systemic racism at the root of so much that ails this country brings with it the seeds of change and progress. We owe it to this generation and those that follow to check – and use – our privilege, be a better ally and reaffirm the fact that Black lives matter.”


Robin Steans


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