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Advance Illinois Applauds Filing of SB3965 as Next Key Step in a More Student-Centered Higher Education System
Advance Illinois is delighted to celebrate the filing of SB3965, creating a funding formula for the state’s public universities. This groundbreaking bill puts Illinois’ public universities on a path to adequacy, equity, and sustainability.
Grounded in the Commission on Equitable Public University Funding’s recommendations, released this March, the bill sets forth a blueprint to improve how the state funds its public universities, marking an important next step as Illinois works to build a stronger, healthier postsecondary landscape for students across the state who seek a college degree.
“For too long, earning a college degree at our state schools has been inaccessible for too many Illinois students,” said Robin Steans, President of Advance Illinois.
The recommendations released by the 33-member Commission outline a funding formula that would set Illinois apart from other states. By centering student-need, taking institutional mission and size into account, and considering what students can and should pay in tuition and fees, the formula puts earning a college degree within reach of all Illinois students.
“The research is clear, a college degree continues to be the surest path toward greater economic mobility, and importantly, to intergenerational wealth,” Steans said. “To ensure every Illinois student can access that path, every public university must have the resources they need to serve the students they enroll. If we do this right, not only will students thrive, but the state will benefit as well.”
Advance Illinois applauds bill co-sponsors, Illinois Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford and Representative Carol Ammons, for their continued leadership in holding our state accountable for how well and how justly it supports its public universities and in turn, their students. Advance Illinois joins college access and success organizations, civil rights groups and other advocates in the field in celebrating this critical step, and looks forward to the work ahead to see this through.
Advance Illinois is an independent, bipartisan policy and advocacy organization working toward a healthy public education system that enables all students to achieve success in college, career, and civic life.