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What if Every Student Saw Themselves in Their Teachers?
Did you know that when teachers share racial and ethnic identities with their students, students are more likely to see improvements in test scores, attendance, and suspension rates? The positive impact of having teachers of color is even more pronounced for Black and Latinx students. But here in Illinois, the diversity of our educator workforce is not keeping pace with the changing diversity of our state - while students of color make up 54% of Illinois’ k-12 student population, only 18% of teachers are of color. The lack of representation is even more stark when we consider that, for example, 18% of students are Black, but only 6% of teachers are Black.
As Illinois continues to deploy evidence-based strategies to strengthen and grow its educator workforce, including with a variety of measures to improve college affordability for different student groups, its Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship program has, since 1992, been helping aspiring educators of color overcome financial barriers to entering the teaching profession. And by helping more students afford teacher preparation, MTI continues to bring more role models to the classroom in whom more students can see themselves represented and feel further supported to thrive. Despite this, this past October, MTI was made the subject of a lawsuit, claiming racial discrimination.
Whether you are in education or simply care a great deal about its power in setting children and students on a path to success in their academic and civic lives, here are three things to know right now about the Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship program.
1. MTI supports greater diversity in Illinois’ teacher workforce by making college more affordable. It costs roughly $22,500 per year to become a teacher in Illinois. It’s a price tag that can be a particular deterrent for students less likely to come from generational wealth, including students of color.
2. The MTI Scholarship helps grow the number of qualified teachers in the most acute shortage areas. Not only does MTI help grow the teacher workforce and increase teacher diversity, it helps respond to Illinois’ most critical workforce needs by requiring awardees to teach in racially or linguistically diverse schools in the state. In our 2023 State of the Educator Pipeline report, we found that teacher vacancies are dramatically more prevalent (2.7 times greater) in districts serving a majority of students of color than in districts serving mostly white students.
3. In its 32 years, MTI has awarded more than 13,000 scholarships to aspiring teachers of color. Thirteen thousand scholarships amount to many more students of all backgrounds gaining access to well-prepared and certified teachers creating high-quality educational opportunities for them to thrive. While our research found that Illinois still has work to do in ensuring our teacher workforce reflects the diversity of Illinois students, with the support of MTI and other evidence-based strategies, our state is making progress toward that end – ultimately to the benefit of every student.
Educators are at the heart of every student’s academic journey. That’s why it’s critical for Illinois to not only protect but also maintain its investment in evidence-based strategies like the MTI Scholarship. Programs like MTI don’t just support aspiring teachers—they create pathways for student success by ensuring classrooms are led by well-prepared, diverse educators. By prioritizing initiatives that grow and strengthen our educator workforce, Illinois is investing in brighter futures for all students and, ultimately, the success of our communities.
Learn more about Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship today!